Our startup lawyers comprehensively advise tech startups in all areas of law that apply to their businesses.
Our startup lawyers use their highly specialised technology and intellectual property knowledge and experience to provide tech startups with high quality, cost-effective legal services to establish and scale their businesses within tight budget and time constraints.
We advise on, draft and negotiate all commercial agreements, licences and deeds for tech startups.
Our startup lawyers ensure that all commercial agreements, licences and deeds clearly describe tech startups’ rights and obligations, comply with all applicable laws and minimise their legal and commercial risks and costs.
Our startup lawyers thoroughly advise tech startups on the application to their commercial agreements, licences and deeds of competition, consumer, corporations, intellectual property, insurance, privacy and taxation laws. We are committed to using our unrivalled technology and intellectual property knowledge and experience to achieve excellent legal and commercial outcomes for all tech startups.
Our startup lawyers have provided legal services to many tech startups for a variety of matters including:
advising on and drafting a master supply agreement for a supplier of IT products and services
advising on and drafting a software as a service agreement for a supplier of IT products and services
advising on and drafting terms and conditions for an online employee onboarding process
advising on and registering trade marks for an online marketplace for the sale and purchase of adult products and services
advising on and registering word and logo trade marks for an online event ticketing service
advising on compliance by a procurement organisation with trade practices legislation
advising on the ownership of IP rights in radiocommunications software and hardware jointly developed by company founders for commercial exploitation
advising on suitable business structures for asset protection and commercialisation of intellectual property rights
drafting a privacy policy and privacy procedures for a provider of IT support services for medical professionals
drafting a privacy policy for an organisation which provides sports event for schools
drafting a privacy policy for an online marketplace for the sale and purchase of in-game items
drafting website terms of use and software service terms of use for an online document creation and management service