Our copyright lawyers expertly advise clients in all areas of copyright law including copyright ownership, copyright licensing and copyright protection in Australia and overseas.
Our copyright lawyers comprehensively advise clients on the ownership of the copyright in works created by employees and contractors and jointly created works.
Our copyright lawyers thoroughly advise clients on the use, publication, distribution, licensing and commercialisation of copyright works.
We advise on, draft and negotiate all copyright licences, agreements and deeds for clients.
Our copyright lawyers ensure that all copyright licences, agreements and deeds clearly describe the copyright works and all licence fees or royalties payable, comply with all applicable laws and minimise clients’ legal and commercial risks and costs.
Our copyright lawyers fully advise clients on the application to their copyright licences, agreements and deeds of competition, consumer, corporations, insurance and taxation laws.
Our copyright lawyers act decisively on behalf of clients to expeditiously protect their copyright works from infringement by third parties. We are determined to use our unparalleled copyright knowledge and experience to achieve excellent legal and commercial outcomes for clients.
Our copyright lawyers have provided copyright legal services to clients for many copyright projects including:
advising an author on a publication agreement for the online distribution of audio books
advising on and drafting a copyright takedown notice for the removal of copyright infringing material uploaded to a third party website
advising on, drafting and negotiating a deed of assignment for the assignment of copyright in a logo created by a designer for a school sports organisation
advising on the infringement of copyright in a phrase used to promote a state government reading challenge
advising on the ownership and licensing of copyright materials for an intranet developed for state government schools
advising on ownership and licensing of copyright in guidelines and training materials jointly developed on behalf of two state governments
advising on the ownership of copyright in a modern cursive font used by state government schools
advising on the ownership of copyright in a software app developed by a consultant outside of business hours
drafting a copyright notice for an online marketplace for the sale and purchase of in-game items
drafting a letter of demand and undertaking for the removal of copyright infringing products displayed for sale online